Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thinking About Animals Conference

Good afternoon! This week, Sherri and SBFPS volunteers will be participating in the Thinking About Animals conference at Brock University March 31/April 1. On Friday morning, Sherri will be part of the "Animals Around Us" speaker panel, presenting"Sanctuaries and their role in long term care of captive primates". We are honoured to be a part of this conference and meeting like-minded people. For more information, please visit: http://www.brocku.ca/social-sciences/undergraduate-programs/sociology/thinking-about-animals

Friday, March 25, 2011

Story Book Farm in the Toronto Star!

Good Morning everyone!

The good news today is that the Toronto Star has published a lovely article profiling the work we do at Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary! Thank you so much to the Star! Please follow the link to read the article online and feel free to comment or send the Star a nice thank you!
All is going well today at the Farm and we are looking forward to more spring-like weather so that all the people can be outside in the sunshine and fresh air!
Have a great day!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dr. Goodall's Canadian Spring Visit

Good afternoon all! The lovely Dr. Jane will be in Canada for her spring visit. In Toronto, she will be speaking on Saturday, April 2, 2011 at the Royal Ontario Museum. In Halifax, she will be the special guest at the Chamber of Commerce Spring Dinner on Tuesday, April 5th. For more details, visit the Jane Goodall Institute website: www.janegoodall.ca

Friday, March 18, 2011

SBFPS Now a Registered Charity

Happy Friday to all! We are pleased to announce that Story Book Farm Primate Sanctuary is now a Registered Charity! This milestone will move the sanctuary forward in wonderful new directions. Thank you to Cheryl and Val for your assistance in making this happen!

Everyday we thank you for your continued support. For all donations >$20.00 we will issue a tax receipt. Registered Charity 84081 7910 RR0001.

Thank you!